The Great Debaters is a 2007 American film that was directed by Denzel Washington and produced by Oprah Winfrey Production Company which is Harpo Productions. This film is all based on the true story which is about equality. The plot revolves around the efforts of Melvin B. Tolson, a debater and professor of Wiley College who are trying to put his debate team on equal footing with whites in the American South during the early of 1930.
He has three great debaters in his team which are Samantha, Henry and James. Samantha Booke has just transferred to Wiley College and dreams of becoming the state’s third-ever black female lawyer. Henry Lowe is a man who struggles in order to balance his academic ideals while James Farmer, Jr. is the 14-year-old son of another Wiley professor who is eager to prove his intellectual worth to his demanding father. Together with their coach debate, Melvin they build up the school debate team to the highest national standards.
This movie contains lots of racism issue between the white and black people which happened at America. The black people always been suppressed by the white people just because their skin color until makes me felt pity with those people. It is quite similar with what happened in our country. For instance, people will isolate someone who has black as his/her skin colour. It has become a normal issue nowadays. However, still this movie manages to inspire me in debate.
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